N e w  M o o n

is a  d e s i g n  c o n s u l t a n c y created by Sakumi Yamaguchi who re-translates the Zen approach and (Japanese) aesthetics to be applied in the design world of today through a sincere understanding of matter and context.

The ultimate aim is to find and cultivate our uniquenesses, incorporating
s i m p l i c i t y & p o e t r y.

デザインコンサルタンシー, N e w  M o o n, は各プロジェクトの独自性に寄り添いながら、禅の哲学と日本の美学を今の世界に合わせて(再)解釈し、リサーチおよびデザインの場面で応用いたします。

1. Philosophy

A philosophy of emptiness inspired by Zen is deployed. Here is the utility;

1. Essential beauty revealed through the sophistication of concept and materiality.
2. Creative mind liberated by the stoic limitation.

3. Continuous change generated by the strategic betweenness.
4. New life crafted by the embracement of the scar.

5. Audience development facilitated through the more-than-human ecology.
6. Individual and community well-being enhanced by the unification of self and the world.

In other words,
7. (Re)discovery, (re)purpose, or (re)value of one’s uniqueness by the paradoxical turn; mu (=emptiness) as the possible existence of something beyond.
2. Aesthetics

Respecting the characteristic of the project, cultural expressions of Zen and Japanese aesthetics are transformed and applied at a concept or visual level. For example;

W a y  o f  T e a/茶 道
[Animation of the inanimate to facilitate human communication.]
D r y  G a r d e n/枯 山 水
[Strict constraints to induct the richness of mind.]
B o n s a i/盆 栽
[Co-change to continue dialogue.]
H a i k u/俳 句
[Cut to give life.]
K i n t s u g i/金 継 ぎ
[Elevation of the flaw to be unique beauty.]
S h a k k e i/借 景
[Blend with the distance to incorporate economical dynamism.]
Y a k i s u g i/焼 杉
[Deterioration to give profound quality.]
H i s u r e b a  h a n a/秘 す れ ば 花
[Silence to be broken at a crucial juncture.]
3. Collaborators

The international network of creatives and researchers beyond disciplines helps to broaden and deepen our research and design practice. 